Park Plaza Victoria London, 239 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London, SW1V 1EQ
Breakfast and lunch will be served
This event will offer IAPT Service Managers, Clinical Leads, LTC Leads, PWPs and Commissioners of Mental Health services the opportunity to learn more about working with Long Term Conditions at Step 2 and the role of online therapy in LTCs management, including a case study from Berkshire Talking Therapies an IAPT LTC pathfinder site.
09:00 - Arrival and breakfast
09:30 - Introduction - online at the core of LTCs management
09:45 - Karen Tierney, Content Director at SilverCloud Health presents key learnings on: routes to service, treatment paths, challenges, outcomes & measurements and will also discuss new programme models tailored for LTCs.
10:45 - Break
11:00 - Judith Chapman, Clinical Director, Berkshire Talking Therapies will present a case study of delivering a tailored IAPT Intervention for People with Type 2 Diabetes, including the clinical and economic outcomes
12:00 - Wrap-up and discussion
12:15-13:00 Lunch and networking
We hope that you'll leave with a wealth of practical ideas for integrating LTCs into your care pathways.
To book your place just email your contact details and job title to
We look forward to seeing you there!