SilverCloud® by Amwell® Science

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At the forefront of evidence-base generation and digital health science
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Backed by nearly two decades of clinical research, Amwell®’s team of mental health experts deliver successful outcomes through the market’s most robust evidence-based behavioral change programs, empowering users to take control of their mental health and wellbeing

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Translating science into effective digital health solutions

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JAMA Psychiatry | 2020

A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding Patterns of Engagement With Internet-Delivered Mental Health Interventions

This study aimed to identify behaviour types based on how people engage with a digital CBT intervention for symptoms of depression and anxiety. The findings suggested that patterns of patient behaviour may elucidate different modalities of engagement, which can help to conduct better triage for patients to provide personalized therapeutic activities, helping to improve outcomes and reduce the overall burden of mental health disorders.

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Nature’s NPJ Digital Medicine | 2020

A pragmatic randomized waitlist-controlled effectiveness and cost-effectiveness trial of digital interventions for depression and anxiety

This large-scale RCT showed that digital CBT for depression and anxiety is effective in reducing anxiety and depression symptoms in comparison to a waiting list control group. The findings also demonstrated the potentially cost-effectiveness of digital CBT in the long-term within IAPT. The pragmatic trial design additionally provided important support for the ecological validity of the findings.

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Clinical Psychology and Psycotherapy | 2021

Following up internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT): A longitudinal qualitative investigation of clients' usage of CBT skill

This qualitative study demonstrated how clients receiving digital CBT in routine care learn CBT skills during treatment and utilize them in productive ways post-treatment. The findings are consistent with similar research conducted on face-to-face CBT, and more generally, they support the position that the acquisition and application of CBT skills is a core component and mechanism of effect maintenance in CBT-based treatments.

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JMIR Formative Research | 2021

Dropout From an Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention for Adults With Depression and Anxiety: Qualitative Study

This qualitative study demonstrated how patients who drop out of treatment can be distinguished in terms of their change in motivation: those who felt ready to leave treatment early and those who had negative reasons for dropping out. These two groups of participants have different treatment experiences, revealing how there is a difference between what we typically label as a dropout and what should actually be considered a dropout.

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Clinical Psychology and Psycotherapy | 2022

Durability of treatment effects following internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety delivered within a routine care setting

This study investigated post-treatment relapse and remission rates 3, 6 and 9 months after completion of an acute phase of a clinician-supported digital CBT, within a routine care setting. We found that 70.8% of those who met the criteria for recovery at the end of their treatment, still met the criteria for recovery at 9 months post-treatment. The results add to the scarce literature on the durability of the effects of digital CBT treatment in routine care settings, where patients are not typically followed up after completing a course of treatment.

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Behaviour research and therapy | 2015

A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Internet-Delivered Treatment: Its Potential as a Low-Intensity Community Intervention for Adults With Symptoms of Depression

This was one of the first RCTs conducted with our Space from Depression digital CBT programme. The results revealed that Space from Depression, is effective in reducing depressive symptoms in comparison to a waiting list control group, in a community sample of Irish adults. The findings highlighted the potential for the online delivery of mental health interventions to be scalable, accessible and resource efficient solutions for addressing mental healthcare needs.

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